No day but…tomorrow!

Well, here we are at just over 24 hours from “curtains up” on the first show! Many of us are winding up our day jobs as we head to the theatre, getting ready to “tech” the show. We will spend tonight both on stage and backstage, prepping the microphones and lighting for the shows, as well as ensuring items are ready for the various entrances/exits.

It’s been a long but fulfilling process since we started the journey of this show back in January. Many of us have learned about new topics and areas related to performance–such as increasing our experience in learning choreography and blocking, or becoming inventive when sourcing a prop (when you realize five days out that glass isn’t allowed on stage!). Most of all, we’re excited to share what we’ve been working on with the audiences!

See you there on December 24th, 9 p.m., Eastern Standard Time!